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Published on 8 January 2024

Detailed information about our events

swisstopo regularly attends public and trade fairs, and organises symposiums on various aspects of geoinformation. Here, you can search for detailed information about our events. 

  • 29 September 2024

    Geological excursion the Lepontic

    Geological excursion the Lepontic

  • Excursions & Travels17 August 2024

    Geological excursion Zermatt

    Geological excursion Zermatt

  • Exhibitions14 February 2024

    La Suisse sur verre

    From 1953 onwards for almost half a century, swisstopo engraved its original maps in a coat of colour enamel on glass plates. The joint exhibition by the Vitromusée Romont and the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) presents the history of this last cartographic craft through numerous engraved glass plates and instruments.

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern