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Published on 29 September 2024

Geological excursion the Lepontic

Event Date

  • Sunday 10:00 - 16:00

What is the Lepontic?

Event Details

Language of the event



Division Swiss Geological Survey
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern

On the occasion of the publication of the new Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500'000, swisstopo is organizing a geological excursion to discover the Lepontic, a new tectonic unit. From the fragmentation of Pangaea and the genesis of the Tethys Ocean, to the first signs of subduction in the Alps and the closure of the Strait of Gibraltar. This journey through time will take us through more than 300 million years of geological and tectonic history of the Alps. The Alps, which are the result of the collision of the Palaeo-European and Palaeo-African plates, are characterized by the juxtaposition of rock masses that differ in age, origin and tectonic movements.

Useful information

  • Meeting point: Station SBB Mendrisio, 6850 Mendrisio (
  • Finish point: Bus stop Morbio Inferiore, Serfontana ( At 4:13 pm from Morbio Inferiore, Serfontana, bus B 2 for the station SBB Mendrisio.
  • Time: 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
  • Walking time: 4 hours. 110 m ascent, 110 m descent. Distance 6 km
  • Language: Italian
  • Guide: Filippo Schenker, SUPSI (Co-author Tectonic map of Switzerland 1:500 000)
  • Equipment: Good walking shoes, clothing suitable for cold, wet and/or sunny weather. Take along a picnic lunch in your backpack.

Sign up for the excursion on September 29, 2024