A special collaboration: the map of Mount McKinley from 1960
A unique mapping project links swisstopo with the highest mountain in North America, Denali. In 1960, when the stone giant was still called Mount McKinley, a map of the mountain was published the appearance of which resembled the Swiss national maps. How did this relationship come about?

Over and over again I have been asked, «Why on earth are you having your map published in Switzerland?» [...] It is my conviction that no other country in the world - in fact, no other team of cartographers even in Switzerland - could equal the job done by Wild and the Landestopographie.
A barren rocky valley is lifeless and miserable to live in. A grassy valley (even when there are no trees) is a heavenly spot, and I feel that we must show this by fine green dotting, a screen or a tint over these areas.
Also, I feel that the details of the rock spurs coming down from the N. Peak to Harper Glacier should be made to look as nearly as possible exactly like the real spurs […] as this is the main route up the mountain and often in bad weather the accurate identification of the lower tips of these spurs is the only way in which you know where you are!
[L]ower Muldrow Glacier is still virtually impassable on foot, in large areas where seven years ago you could have almost ridden a bicycle on the ice!
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Infodesk history
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern