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Published on 8 January 2024

swisstopoEDU - the programme for supporting Masters theses

swisstopoEDU - MSc is a programme of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) that supports Masters theses (MSc) dealing with issues of relevance to swisstopo. swisstopo offers students at Swiss and European universities a unique opportunity to work together with its specialised personnel as part of their master's theses. As the national producer of geodata, we enable participants in this programme to become involved in the latest scientific research and gain an insight into a variety of attractive occupations.

8 January 2024

swisstopoEDU - Information

A Masters degree within the framework of swisstopoEDU is an excellent academic qualification that paves the way for a challenging future career. Here you will find all the relevant information for participation.

The picture shows a collection of master's theses.

8 January 2024

swisstopoEDU – Awards

Many students already received a recognition award from swisstopoEDU for their valuable master’s thesis. Congratulations!

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

swisstopoEDU - MSc
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern