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Published on 8 January 2024

3D: Special visualizations and geodata from swisstopo

In addition to the official products, swisstopo offers the creation of individualised 3D visualisations and geodata as a service. Customer-specific results that are suitable for a defined area of interest can be created on request from various source data. 

The cover picture shows with the 3D package in OBJ format on the left and the Digirama and terrain in FBX format on the right three services offered by swisstopo

Leadimage 3D data packages

8 January 2024

3D data packages

3D data packages combine various swisstopo data sets or products in one package. These packages are designed for the realisation of 3D visualisations. If possible, the data sets contained in them have the same format, the same coordinate system and the same structure. The combination of data sets in one package thus eliminates the need for conversions and transformations of different data and makes them much easier to use.

3D representation of an urban area from a bird's eye view

8 January 2024

Buildings and terrain as IFC files

swisstopo offers building and terrain data in IFC format. Specialists now have access to optimized environment data for BIM projects (Building Information Modeling). These datasets are useful for visualizations in BIM viewers and for the combination with other BIM data.

The collage shows two product variants of a DIGIRAMA Deluxe. On the left as a greyscale image and on the right a panoramic image overlaid with an orthophoto.

8 January 2024


Should you need to print a digital panorama with a realistic perspective on paper or on a metallic support, the DIGIRAMA (DIGItal panoRAMA) range of products is ideal for you. Depending on customers’ needs, various representations involving different levels of automation are possible. The range of specifications for these custom products allows for everything from a simple and cost effective solution for quick panoramic overviews to high quality solutions for panoramic plaques.

Virtual 3D flight over the old town of St. Gallen.

8 January 2024

3D flights

With 3D flights, three-dimensional data can be viewed dynamically, by superimposing topographic models with satellite or aerial images, vector data or other geo-referenced data. The visualisation takes place along a flight line. Each 3D flight is produced individually according to customer requirements and can therefore meet a broad variety of criteria. 3D flights are an ideal way of presenting spatial projects in a dynamic, appealing and easy-to-understand way. Their use is suited for depicting infrastructure, ecological and other projects.

8 January 2024

Other services

Our specialists derive further products from the swisstopo geodata. This enables us to cover both frequently requested and very specific customer needs.

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

Topography - Geodata Distribution
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern