Special Geological Maps
Various different geological and tectonic maps at scales from 1:25'000 to 1:100'000 supplement the information given in the Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25'000 and the GeoMaps 500.

Special Geological Maps Pixel
Various different geological and tectonic maps at scales from 1:25'000 to 1:100'000 supplement the information given in the Geological Atlas of Switzerland and the GeoMaps 500.

Special Geological Maps Vector
Various different geological and tectonic maps at scales from 1:25'000 to 1:100'000 supplement the information given in the Geological Atlas of Switzerland and the GeoMaps 500.
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Division Swiss Geological Survey
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern