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Published on 8 January 2024

swisstopo teaching materials and services for schools

swisstopo can provide you as a teacher with free teaching materials for all age groups: accompany your pupils on a journey of discovery. That’s how exciting topography can be! 

2 girls in front of a computer, aerial foto and map

8 January 2024

swisstopo teaching materials for schools: level 1 (primary level)

Free teaching materials about map reading, educational games such as snakes and ladders and memorising symbols or self-drawn treasure maps for primary school level (level 1). Children use maps to discover the world around them.

8 January 2024

swisstopo teaching materials for schools: level 2 (primary level)

Why are stones hiding a secret? What does it feel like to travel through time from a bird’s eye perspective? Pupils will learn this and so much more in swisstopo’s wide-ranging teaching materials and worksheets.

8 January 2024

swisstopo teaching materials for schools: level 3 (secondary stage I)

Get to know Switzerland using a digital map or use an aerial photograph viewer to track the development of the landscape: swisstopo’s teaching materials cover a broad range of subjects and are an extra string to a teacher’s bow.i.

8 January 2024

swisstopo’s teaching materials for vocational and grammar schools (secondary stage II)

swisstopo’s interactive teaching materials bring a bit of excitement into the classroom: from the dawn of cadastral surveying in the nineteenth century to today’s satellite systems, pupils will learn everything about topography.

8 January 2024

Tertiary education (university)

Teaching materials for university students.