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Published on 8 January 2024

swisstopo teaching materials for schools: level 3 (secondary stage I)

Get to know Switzerland using a digital map or use an aerial photograph viewer to track the development of the landscape: swisstopo’s teaching materials cover a broad range of subjects and are an extra string to a teacher’s bow.i. 

Map reading

10 November 2023

swisstopo - Learning to read maps with educational materials for schools

If you want to get from A to B, you really could do with a map in hand. There’s a lot of knowledge to be conveyed and a goal to be achieved in the “Reading maps” teaching materials.

6 November 2023

The secret of rocks

«The secret of rocks» is a teaching aid in geology that is suitable for geography and history lessons. School classes learn about the history of rocks and landscapes of our country in a playful way and thereby gain their first experience with geodata.

6 November 2023

Treasure hunt for the classroom

The game pursues learning goals for geography, history, mathematics and foreign language teaching.

Screenshot LUBIS Viewer

10 November 2023

swisstopo - Discover historical aerial photos in the LUBIS viewer

What did Zurich or Bern look like a hundred years ago? That’s what pupils are finding out using swisstopo’s aerial photographs. The LUBIS viewer makes this possible.

10 November 2023

swisstopo - Time travelling

Travel through time with swisstopo’s historical maps and aerial photographs. Pupils will learn about the Switzerland of today and of old.


10 November 2023 - use the Confederation map viewer in the classroom

Swiss map viewer application: makes lessons exciting – and most importantly educational.

10 November 2023

swisstopohistoric - the interactive web application on the history of maps

Once upon a time, there was the Dufour map ... How did cadastral surveying start in Switzerland and become world famous? That’s what pupils will be learning on swisstopo historic’s interactive web application.

10 November 2023

swisstopo - catalog of digital maps "For schools"

The digital map catalogue “For schools” immerses pupils in a chosen topic and expands their knowledge. It’s full of wow factor and aha moments.