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Published on 8 January 2024

Swiss Map Web

Web-based map views based on vector tiles technology. The presentation of the maps can be adapted by experts to individual requirements easily and quickly. 

8 January 2024

Base Map

The Base Map is a dynamic map optimised for mobile use based on Vectortiles technology. Integrated elements of the Base Map are points of interest on various topics.

Light Base Map

8 January 2024

Light Base Map

The Light Base Map is a background map to provide a foreground theme with optimal spatial orientation. The graphic design of this web map, based on vector tiles technology, is therefore unobtrusive with reduced content.

Imagery Base Map

8 January 2024

Imagery Base Map

The Imagery Base Map is a combination of up-to-date aerial photographs and cartographic elements, providing a good overview of the current landscape in an appealing format.

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

Topography - Geodata Distribution
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern