The Swiss Geological Survey provides basic geological data of Switzerland. These data contribute to decisions on the appropriate and sustainable use of the subsurface, spatial planning, the extraction of mineral raw materials and new geo-energies. It also promotes geotourism and thus raises public awareness of the exciting history of our planet.

Basic data
In addition to historical maps and digital 3D models, geological, geophysical and geotechnical datasets are indispensable for the sustainable management of our living space. GeoCover, as geological 2D model, depicts all of Switzerland geologically at the scale of 1:25'000.

Climate protection, a secure energy supply and the limitations of above-ground development are important social issues. The exploitation of resources in the Swiss subsurface (georesources) is also increasingly coming into focus. In contrast to the above-ground spatial planning, the utilisation potential in the subsurface still needs to be assessed before a holistic utilisation plan can be established. This goal increases the need for data and knowledge concerning the subsurface as well as for intensified coordination among the various stakeholders.

Geology for all
Geology is the study of the structure of our planet and the processes that take place on the surface and in the subsurface. The Swiss Geological Survey offers free geological excursions and easy-to-understand publications for anyone who wants to know more about geology and geological topics.