Landscape Models
Landscape models display objects of the landscape in a flexible vector format. They consist of thematic layers (e.g. traffic). Each layer comprises georeferential objects in a point, line or polygon form or as a 3D feature. Each object has attributes and relations.

swissTLM3D is the large-scale topographic landscape model of Switzerland. It includes both natural and artificial landscape features, as well as name data in vector form. With a high degree of accuracy and the incorporation of a third dimension, swissTLM3D is the most extensive and accurate 3D vector dataset of Switzerland.

swissBUILDINGS3D 3.0 Beta
swissBUILDINGS3D 3.0 beta is a dataset containing buildings as 3D-models including roof geometries and roof overhangs. Two sets are available: a model depicting closed buildings and a model showing separate elements (roofs, facades and footprints). swissBUILDINGS3D 3.0 beta is an improved version of swissBUILDINGS3D 2.0.

swissBUILDINGS3D 2.0
swissBUILDINGS3D 2.0 is a vector based dataset which describes buildings as 3D models with roof geometries and roof overhangs. The high degree of detail in all three dimensions, together with the high coverage and realistic rendering of the building volumes, make this product a valuable basic dataset for a large range of applications.

swissBOUNDARIES3D contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein in vector form. It is based on an optimised data model for Switzerland and conforms to the data of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

With over 430000 geo-referenced entries, swissNAMES3D is the most comprehensive collection of Swiss geographic names. The free dataset is based on a simple data model and provides the ideal basis for a broad range of applications.

swissTLMRegio contains two-dimensional vector data of roads, public transport, water bodies, land cover, buildings, geographical names and POIs in generalised form. The data set covers Switzerland as well as the bordering countries and is suitable for overviews on smaller scales.

swissTNE Base models the four types of transport axes - railways, roads, cableways and waterways - into a multimodal network. It is the core dataset of the Transportation network CH and the basis on which various sector-specific information can be referenced. With swissTNE Base, specialists have access to central data for the transport and mobility sector.
News about geodata
In this section you will find information about updates and news concerning swisstopo's geodata.
General information on obtaining geodata
Various options are available for downloading swisstopo geodata, depending on the data set. Large data sets are divided into spatial units for downloading. In the case of smaller data sets, the complete data content in its full geographical extent will be delivered. A user interface helps you select and download the geodata. An application programming interface (API) also enables you to obtain the data.
Integrating the map viewer into a website offers a simple and free way of integrating the map viewer into any web page using an iFrame.
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern