Whether on a smartphone, on a browser, on paper or in geographical information systems, the world-famous maps from swisstopo show Switzerland in great detail and clearly legible down to the furthest corners.

Leisure and thematic Maps
Switzerland is THE leisure country par excellence. swisstopo publishes hiking and winter sports' maps for your outdoor activities and most memorable experiences.

National Maps
The world-renowned topographical maps are the basis for many activities and requirements. swisstopo maps show the remotest corners of Switzerland to various scales.

Swiss Map Web
Web-based map views based on vector tiles technology. The presentation of the maps can be adapted by experts to individual requirements easily and quickly.

Geological Maps
Geological maps provide information on the geological composition of the superficial strata of the terrestrial crust at scales of between 1:25'000 and 1:500'000.

Aeronautical Maps
Swiss aeronautical maps with airports, airfields, airspaces, restricted and hazardous zones as well as air safety information.

Historical Maps
Get to know Switzerland's historical heritage with the original Siegfried and Dufour maps or old national maps; or visualised impressively on modern maps, too.
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern