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Published on 8 January 2024

Digital Maps

swisstopo’s digital maps are available in raster and vector formats. They form an excellent basis for digital use and further processing. 

8 January 2024

Swiss Map Raster

Digital national maps in raster format are derived directly from map bases and are georeferenced. Available in scales of 1:10,000 - 1:1 million.

8 January 2024

Swiss Map Raster Winter

The national map in winter representation is available in scales 1:10'000 to 1:200'000 digitally, in raster format. With its wintry colour scheme it is suitable for the representation of winter themes. It is produced every year with the latest available data.

8 January 2024

Swiss Map Vector

Swiss national maps in vector format for use in geographical information systems. Available in 1:10'000 – 1:1 million scales.

Screenshot of the Base Map with detail of Bern

8 January 2024

Swiss Map Web

Web-based map views based on vector tiles technology. The presentation of the maps can be adapted by experts to individual requirements easily and quickly.

Digital Historical Maps

8 January 2024

Historical Maps

Get to know Switzerland's historical heritage with the original Siegfried and Dufour maps or old national maps; or visualised impressively on modern maps, too.

Teaser - Digital road map

8 November 2023

Digital Road Map of Switzerland

The most detailed and comprehensive road map of Switzerland in digital form.

8 January 2024

General Maps of Switzerland

The digital general maps of Switzerland form the perfect basis for desktop applications.

  • 8 January 2024

    News about geodata

    In this section you will find information about updates and news concerning swisstopo's geodata.

  • 8 January 2024

    General information on obtaining geodata

    Various options are available for downloading swisstopo geodata, depending on the data set. Large data sets are divided into spatial units for downloading. In the case of smaller data sets, the complete data content in its full geographical extent will be delivered. A user interface helps you select and download the geodata. An application programming interface (API) also enables you to obtain the data.

  • Teaser - Iframe Integration

    29 April 2024

    Integrating the map viewer into a website offers a simple and free way of integrating the map viewer into any web page using an iFrame.

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

Topography - Geodata Distribution
Seftigenstrasse 264
3084 Wabern