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Published on 8 January 2024

Height Models

Height models are digital data sets which show the form of the earth's surface in 3D. Each set of X and Y coordinates shows a height (Z). Different products are available for various applications. 

swissALTI3D: the high precision digital elevation model of Switzerland

8 January 2024


swissALTI3D is an extremely precise digital elevation model which describes the surface of Switzerland without vegetation and development. It is updated every six years.

Teaser - swissSurface3D

8 January 2024


swissSURFACE3D models all natural and man-made objects of the surface of Switzerland in the form of a classified point cloud. These high-accuracy and high spatial density data are collected by airborne LiDAR.

swissSURFACE3D Raster: the digital surface model of Switzerland

8 January 2024

swissSURFACE3D Raster

swissSURFACE3D Raster is a digital surface model (DSM) which represents the earth’s surface including visible and permanent landscape elements such as soil, natural cover, and all sorts of constructive work with the exception of power lines and masts.

swissBATHY3D: bathymetric data of Swiss lakes

8 January 2024


swissBATHY3D contains bathymetric data in the form of a very accurate digital elevation model that describes the topography of the Swiss lakebeds.

19 March 2024


swissALTIRegio is a small scale digital height model that describes the surface without vegetation nor construction of Switzerland and regions of its neighbouring countries.

DHM25: the digital height model of Switzerland

8 January 2024


Digital height model DHM25 is a set of data representing the 3D form of the earth’s surface without vegetation and buildings. It is essentially based on the 1:25'000 Swiss national map.

DHM25 / 200m: the light version of the digital height model of Switzerland.

8 January 2024

DHM25 / 200m

Digital height model DHM25 with 200 m grid is a set of data representing the 3D form of the earth’s surface without vegetation and buildings. It is essentially based on the 1:25'000 Swiss national map.

  • 8 January 2024

    News about geodata

    In this section you will find information about updates and news concerning swisstopo's geodata.

  • 8 January 2024

    General information on obtaining geodata

    Various options are available for downloading swisstopo geodata, depending on the data set. Large data sets are divided into spatial units for downloading. In the case of smaller data sets, the complete data content in its full geographical extent will be delivered. A user interface helps you select and download the geodata. An application programming interface (API) also enables you to obtain the data.

  • Teaser - Iframe Integration

    29 April 2024

    Integrating the map viewer into a website offers a simple and free way of integrating the map viewer into any web page using an iFrame.

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