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Published on 8 January 2024

Find out more

On this page you will find interesting information about the geography and shape of Switzerland, as well as about people and facts associated with swisstopo.

You will also find articles from our annual publication «Folio». The various contributions deal with a different focus topic each year. «Folio» is published in paper form, as a downloadable PDF and in a more detailed version for the web. 

  • Portrait of Monika Allemann

    17 July 2024

    «Becoming a student again at the age of 40? My best career decision!»

    After a professional reorientation, Monika Allemann now works as a specialist for information systems at swisstopo.

  • Lea Dauwalder restoring a field booklet

    1 July 2024

    Preserving the legacy of Switzerland’s landscapes

    During the past 175 years, swisstopo has been documenting Switzerland’s topographic development. Lea Dauwalder is well acquainted with the diversity of this historical heritage. She is responsible for the restoration and conservation of swisstopo’s map collection – a manual task that calls for a great deal of precision and attention to detail.

  • Folio 2024 - Cover

    3 June 2024

    Focus on women

    Women have been working in technical professions, geoinformatics and, namely, the field of geoinformation for a long time now. So we choose to turn our attention to the women in our federal office.

  • 11 October 2023

    The topics ‹Geology› and ‹Geo-resources› get a new look!

    The topic ‹Geology› has been given a new look and a new structure.

  • 21 August 2023

    Wilderswil bypass

    Our geodata are continuously being updated. The «Wilderswil bypass» project is now complete and the new routes are already visible on our online maps.

  • 8 May 2023

    In search of data beneath the ground

    What lies beneath the ground is still largely unknown – but it does provide a significant heat source. The Swiss Federal Office of Energy is supporting projects aimed at increasing the use of geothermal energy. At the same time, this is yielding geodata that is of great value for swisstopo.

  • 8 May 2023

    Geodata to support digitalisation in the construction sector

    The objective of the «building information modelling» method is to digitalise and network the construction sector. Geodata form a fundamental basis for this method. armasuisse Real Estate and swisstopo are implementing the project in an innovative way.

  • 8 May 2023

    Paving the way towards a modern administration

    With its digitalisation process and provision of geodata free of charge, swisstopo is paving the way towards new business models. These impulses are in line with the visions of «Digital Public Services Switzerland».

  • 8 May 2023

    Shared mobility gaining momentum

    If two or more people share the use of a vehicle, this reduces energy consumption. By coordinating data, the «» project initiated by EnergieSchweiz simplifies car, bike and e-scooter sharing. swisstopo’s maps platform makes it easier for users to find available vehicles.

  • 8 May 2023

    When the computer took over at swisstopo

    «The future begins at every moment» is the title of an online exhibition at swisstopo, which illustrates the history of digitalisation and presents statements from «contemporary witnesses» who performed pioneering work.

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

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